Monday, July 16, 2018

Day 9 - (Almost) Finished Comics

It was a great two weeks of comics discussions, reading, writing, and drawing. Our creators based their multi-page comics on ideas inspired by single-page illustrations from Chris Van Allsburg's The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. While not all of us finished, we all have at least a full page of pencils that we can continue to work on as summer projects.

Thank you to University School of Milwaukee for providing the time and space for this year's creators to get Comics Crazy once again. Keep writing, editing, drawing, and coloring your stories.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Round-robin Challenge (Thursday)

One last round-robin challenge - we doubled the time we were allowed to spend on each panel. We think they turned out MUCH better than Tuesday's offering.

Day 7/8 - Pencils

We are working like crazy (between round-robin challenges, trying to find musical inspiration, telling jokes, and the occasional push pop) to finish up our pencils before Friday. We are all at various stages of completion, but our goals are firmly set on at least one inked, lettered, and colored page by tomorrow. Stay tuned...

 Ready to ink and color!

 Pencils complete!

 Already lettered!

 Splash page!

 Page two thumbnails - yes, he's going to add even more detail!

Still working on eye lines from panel to panel - the office turned out pretty good, though. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Round-robin Challenge (Tuesday)

Each of us was given a noun as inspiration to create the first panel of a collaborative comic. After one minute and fifteen seconds, we passed our comics to the right so the next writer/artist could come up with the next panel. We repeated the process six more times. In ten minutes we created seven full-page comics (someone took his or her comic home, I think). Some of them are a little disjointed, some of them are a bit confusing, but it was ten minutes of creative chaos and fun. Perhaps we'll do it again with a little more time to see if we come up with even better results.

Day 5/6 - Writing and Thumbnailing

We've been writing scripts and sketching rough layouts for our comics. We've looked at scripts from prominent comic book writers and talked about their different styles. We've watched some videos about how to create thumbnail (small, quick, rough) drafts and edit our layouts before we commit to our final pages. The last two days have been the groundwork for the finished product we hope to have on Friday. We have three days to turn these ideas and words and pencil lines into full graphic stories.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Day 3/4 - Multi-panel Comics

We tried our hand at slightly longer storytelling on Thursday and Friday. We attempted to set up a problem, advance the conflict, and resolve it - all in three panels. Our guest teacher, Will, gave it the ol' college try, too.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Putting your panels together

Rough Layouts Tutorial (by Mark Crilley):

More great writing and layout advice from Mark Crilley:

Day 2 - If at first we don't succeed...

We eased into the process on Monday with a one-panel comic on any topic the creators liked. On Tuesday, we looked at the composition of each comic - where the characters were in relation to each other, what if any background information was important, the left-to-right and top-to-bottom position of word balloons, etc. Then, as good writers do, we made revisions. For some it was a simply changing a word or two, while for others it was scrapping the effort from the day before and starting anew. You can see some dramatic changes and improvements in these finished revisions:

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 1 - Meet the Creators!

It's a new year, and a new group of comics enthusiasts are ready to tackle the challenge of writing, editing, revising, storyboarding, sketching, drawing, lettering, inking, and coloring a full comic story in just under two weeks. We are a mighty group of heroes, all of whom wish to keep our secret identities from being revealed, but here is this year's lineup of Comics Crazy Creators:

 Professor Mechs

 Vampiger (half vampire/half tiger)


 Dark Shark

Kid Midnight

 White Skull

Unicorn Man

Sunday, July 1, 2018

One Panel Comics Art

Welcome to Comics Crazy 2018! We are happy you're here.
Check out this link for some one-panel comics.

Day 9 - (Almost) Finished Comics

It was a great two weeks of comics discussions, reading, writing, and drawing. Our creators based their multi-page comics on ideas inspired ...